
The Best Hummus

Leyla loves to make hummus, as you can see in this video:

Hummus is so healthy. It also makes a great base for different seasonings and flavors. Hummus can be very colorful, blended with different spices, vegetables and herbs. Leyla likes to experiment with different combinations of vegetables and spices. She likes to see what flavors work and how beautiful the colors can be. As you may have noticed, she also likes to decorate her hummus with some vegetables to dip, pine nuts and some dried flower petals and herbs.

In her native land, the colors of food, the vibrancy of the dishes, were as important as the flavors. Eating a family meal was about celebrating each other and the food they consumed represented that celebration. That’s why hummus is so important. Easy to make, healthy, vibrant and flavorful.

Everyone loved it.

Try making Hummus yourself, or come into the restaurant and try ours for inspiration! We would love to see you there.


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